As an user using Hoory, I want to view a queued list of customers, so that I can manage the queue efficiently and provide timely support to customers.
Acceptance Criteria:
As an agent, I want to be able to view a list of customers who are currently waiting in the queue, including their name, email, and the time they joined the queue.
If all agents hit their limit new customers will be queue
The new incoming conversation should be queued unless the system will find a free agent
Queued conversations should be differentiated with a badge or showed in a separate tab next to “ Unassigned” tab in the inbox
I should be able to see waiting time on the conversation list
EX: Waiting for 3 mins
Customers waiting for the longest should be served first and showcased first in the row
Customers waiting for the longest should be automaticlly assigned the first when the system detects a free agent who doesn’t reach the assigned conversation limit
I should be able to go and take any queued conversation
If I click and open the conversation it should be assigned to me
If a queued user leaves the conversation (ends the chat) the conversation will be transferred to unassigned section and will no longer be auto assigned
I want to be able to communicate estimated wait times to customers who are waiting in the queue, so that they know what to expect and can plan accordingly.
I should be able to customize the message displayed to customers while they are waiting in the queue, so that I can provide them with relevant information and updates.
I should be able to go to the Settings → Select an Inbox → Click on → Settings icon -> Cliche on the Settings tab
If I scroll down I should be able to see “ When customer gets in a queue “ section with an input field
Show information text on the input field
The message should be displayed for the end user in the widget once they send the first message