User Story: Display Filtered Ticket Quantity
Title: Display Ticket Quantity After Applying Filter
As a user,
I want to see the total number of tickets displayed at the top of the list after applying a filter,
So that I can immediately know the quantity of tickets that match the applied filter criteria.
Acceptance Criteria:
After applying a filter, the total number of tickets that match the filter criteria should be displayed prominently at the top of the list.
The quantity should be shown in a clear and concise manner (e.g., "38 tickets").
The quantity number should automatically update whenever the filter criteria are changed.
Example: If a user filters for chats tagged with "account" from yesterday, the top of the list should display "38 tickets" if there are 38 matching chats.
Additional Notes:
Ensure that the ticket quantity display is responsive and visible across different devices.
Consider adding a tooltip or additional information for more context on the filtered results.